She Runs Free

Womens Beginner Trail Running Programme

Starts 9 September 2024

‘She Runs Free’ Is a new Trail Running programme offered FREE to Women in West Cumbria.

Similar to Couch to 5k, but without the pressure of 5k! and with lots of extra’s such as map reading/navigation skills, how to access trails from home, what to wear, safety outdoors and first aid.
Courses will be held in 3 locations every Monday from 9th September for 9 weeks. Whitehaven, Workington and Maryport (or locations close to each of these towns)
Sessions are 90 minutes, and exact times are TBC when we have enough people recruited.
You don’t need any experience or any specific clothing or kit as we can provide trail shoes and waterproofs and leggings if need be.
This is for complete beginners and those who have tried running previously but want the confidence to try out trail running.
Week 1 will be a gentle introduction into what exactly trail running is; who Due North, Mel and team are, getting to know each other and a ‘play’ outside getting used to what it feels like to move on trails.
A progression course is available after week 9 for anyone who would like to progress to become a UK Athletics Run Leader – this is a 6 week course. We will guide you through the online and group course with a first aid course, group leader skills and building on the navigation skills. This is fully funded. This can lead to volunteer opportunities and even job opportunities.
Come along to see if it’s for you.
To register your interest please complete the form below.
If you’d like to know more, feel free to call/text 07904355848 or email
This programme is funded by Active Cumbria’s Sellafield Fund